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Culture Radar Director News

5 November 2024

Culture Radar's founder and Director Jeanie Scott joins Scotland's National Centre for Dance as its new CEO in November 2024.

After five busy and exciting years establishing Culture Radar as a consultancy for the cultural sector in Scotland, Jeanie Scott is moving on to new challenges with Dance Base, Scotland's national centre for dance in November 2024.

"I’m looking forward to joining Dance Base's talented artistic director, Tony Mills, and to work with its dynamic team and outstanding professional artists to deliver a vision I believe in and am passionate about – creating, nurturing and celebrating dance to change lives."

Culture Radar success

Since Jeanie founded Culture Radar in 2019 it has grown its business across the UK and its reputation as a research and development consultancy.

"I am so grateful to all of Culture Radar’s clients who have not only kept us busy and employed over the last five years, but who have also trusted us with their projects - and in doing so have helped us grow and develop our skills as an agency."

Landmark projects for the company include the 2022 Review of Fair Work as an action of the Scottish Government's Cultural Strategy, publication of the Illustrated Fair Work Guide (2022), the first Cultural Strategy for Angus (2021), and more recently, leading the Scotland + Venice Review (2024) for its Partners (Creative Scotland, British Council Scotland, National Galleries Scotland, V&A Dundee, Architecture & Design Scotland and the Scottish Government).

A personal comment

"I am passionate about improving working conditions in the cultural sector for its long-term sustainability - both of which are critical and uncertain issues just now.

"When I was establishing Culture Radar, my aim was to build a company that would allow me to pursue and deliver challenging and useful projects for my clients and the sector, and that would also allow me to work with and support freelance colleagues.

"I'm incredibly proud of the fact that, over and above administrative and delivery costs, we've been able to direct 30% of Culture Radar's turnover each year to paying fees to our freelance associates. In addition, we've made sure that more than 100 artists and creatives who have taken part in our research have been reimbursed for their time as a result of us always including a budget line for freelancer reimbursement in relevant client pitches."


Jeanie Scott originally trained as a dancer before spending 30 years’ working across the arts and creative industries as a consultant and Director building expertise in strategy, organisational and business development. She has been Director of Culture Radar since 2019. She is an experienced influencer and advocate contributing to debates and thinking on artists’ livelihoods in the UK and Europe. Previously Scott was Director of a-n The Artists Information Company, the UK’s largest artist membership organisation, with whom she led the Paying Artists Campaign (2014-2019). Scott is a Creative Scotland Clore Fellow and currently serves on the UK-wide What Next? Leadership Group bringing cultural professionals together to shape the future of UK arts and culture.

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Cover design for a report
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